Whether you like modern or classic styles, and the odd dinosaur... Hertfordshire has gardens for everyone.

Knebworth House and Gardens
The gardens originate from the 17th century but are currently mostly from the Edwardian era. The numerous garden rooms each have a different feel depending on the planting; the walled kitchen garden's colourful and unusual vegetables are perhaps not as striking as the 72 life-sized dinosaurs you will encounter amongst the woodland paths, rhododendrons and redwoods.
Open doors into Glorious Gardens...

Hatfield House and Gardens
Dating back from the 17th century, the gardens at Hatfield House combine classic elements and wilderness to keep visitors' interest from early spring through to autumn. Bluebells and daffodils, a scented garden, fountains, parterre, topiary and even vegetables are found amongst the Elizabethan Old Palace's grounds.
Silver bells and cockle shells...

St Paul's Walden Bury
This charming small stately home was the childhood home of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. Wander in the spectacular 18th century landscape garden, covering over 50 acres. It is based on a classical formal design around statues and temples, with long avenues of clipped beech hedges stretching out into the Hertfordshire countryside. Visitors can also take a tour of the house and discover the beautiful 18th century hall and drawing rooms, now used for concerts and weddings.

Pembroke Farm Garden
If you are a rose enthusiast, you must take the time to visit the rose gardens where you will find 150 specimens. But that's not all this country house garden has to offer... Take in the wildlife walk, topiary garden, tea lawn and cottage garden beds.
Rose Enthusiasts Dream of Pembrooke...

Myddelton House and Gardens
Edward Augustus Bowles lived at Myddelton House from 1865 to 1954. This passionate self-taught gardener transformed the 8 acres into a haven of architectural curiosities and exotic flora to ensure his senses would be stimulated during each season. Whilst exploring the grounds, you will find alpine specimens, a carp lake and impressive Victorian glass house.
Watch how the Garden blooms each Season...

Henry Moore Studios and Gardens
The 70 acres of landscape gardens and countryside inspired much of the world famous artist's iconic work. The sculpture grounds really showcase pieces against the landscape. Pop-in to the Bourne Maquette Studio and find Henry Moore's smaller works, see the window he used to tap to attract the attention of the sheep on the land he loved so much. You should also enjoy his wife Irina's creation: a beautiful cottage garden.
Cultrual Arts In the Heart of the Garden...