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You searched for 'Afternoon tea'. We found 274 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

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Escape the World Cup here in Hertfordshire

What better way to escape the World Cup then heading up high above the crowds.

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School's out - holiday fun in Hertfordshire

The school holidays have arrived, so are you prepared for six weeks of fun family days out? If not, we have plenty of ideas, events and top attractions in Hertfordshire for fantastic days out with kids of all ages. From outdoor cinema, to dinosaur trails and crafts, the school holidays have never looked so fun!

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Fireworks Night in Hertfordshire

This November make it a fireworks night to remember, with lots of memorable displays here in Hertfordshire. It’s time to head outside and discover a bonfire night like no other


Hertfordshire's Christmas Markets by Train

Hertfordshire is alive with the Christmas spirit and there are plenty of Christmas markets across the county to tick everything off of your wish list.


8 Hidden Gems in Hertfordshire

Take a leaf out of the local's book and discover hidden gems in Hertfordshire. Alongside impressive cathedrals, historic houses and rolling countryside, there are all sorts of smaller hidden gems across the county.

9 Places to Rest Your Head

Hertfordshire's Glorious Gardens

Whether you like modern or classic styles, and the odd dinosaur... Hertfordshire has gardens for everyone.

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Health & well-being in Hertfordshire

Escaping it all can be good for both the body and mind, and this is especially important after the Christmas break and heading into 2019. Take a look at our top suggestions in Hertfordshire to restore balance and peace in your life - from spa days and breaks to helping others.


Year of the Pig

Celebrate Chinese New Year, the year of the pig, in Herts. Embrace the year like only the pig knows how with extravagant outings, feasts and exercise.

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7 ways to Microgap in Herts

Want to escape but can’t get the time off work, or fork out the money for a long holiday? If yes, then say hello to the Microgap.

Visit Herts
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