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You searched for 'Family fun days'. We found 508 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

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Painting the Seasons - The Art of Colour

Colour in art has been subject to lively debate since earliest times, and new theories have sparking artistic movements.

Messy Church on the Moon


Craft & Gift Fair (1)

Come and browse the stalls of the Craft & Gift Fair, for ideas for Christmas gifts in Place House Hall.


Parties with a Princess

Join us from 11:30 am for an afternoon of singing, dancing and interactive storytelling with their favourite fairy-tale princesses.

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Belshazzar's Feast 'Two Wise Men' Tour at Old Town Hall, Hemel Hempstead

Join Folk Duo Belshazzar’s Feast; Paul Sartin (Faustus, Bellowhead) and Paul Hutchinson, as they tour their highly entertaining ‘Two Wise Men’ Christmas Show.

Toddler Tales

A mix of lively stories and rhymes for you and your child to join in with

Halloween Craft Workshop

Mrs Make-It will be back with her Halloween Craft Workshops

Charity Clay Pigeon Shoot

Garden House Hospice Care is hosting a charity clay pigeon shoot experience on Thursday 24th October 2019, and is inviting members of the public and corporate organisations along to take part.

ChristmasCrafts Fair Market

A variety of Christmas activities and stalls including; Santa's Grotto, face paining, gift wrapping, jewellery, luxury gifts, paintings and ceramics

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Apple Bake-Off competition

Who will be Apple Star Baker of 2019?

Visit Herts
For all general enquiries, please contact the team via email at