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You searched for 'Afternoon tea'. We found 274 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

Pexels Kevin Bidwell 1692861

Christmas events

We've found the very best Christmas events in Herts, from carols and nativity scenes to becoming one of Santa's elves! We're ready to bring that festive magic to the season, so please, no humbugs round here...

Pexels Vlada Karpovich 4668362

How to be an environmentally conscious tourist

Sustainability is on our minds now more than ever before, so here are​ some tips on how to become a greener tourist in 2022.

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Health and well-being in Hertfordshire

This past year many of us have had plenty of time to ourselves, plenty of time to reflect and the ability to breathe in the positives. All of those principles are key to our health and wellbeing and what a time to need it! To continue our slower pace of life, you may take a walk in your local park or woodland or even take part in a new course from organisations across Herts. Whatever you need to have mindfulness and staying fit and healthy, 2021 is the year to do it.

Pexels Cottonbro 4778611

Homeschooling help in Herts

To help you manage the home-schooling load (and give you a breather from yet another round of rhyming couplets), we’ve asked our friends across Hertfordshire to share their top local learning resources.

Herts Reopening (1)

Outdoor Attractions & Gardens Reopening in Hertfordshire

From 29th March outdoor gatherings of six people, or two households, are officially allowed under government guidelines, and we're ready and raring to rediscover just what's waiting on our doorstep here in Herts.

Herts Summer Events Summary 800X800

Herts' Summer Events

With a whole host of events confirmed for the summer so far, we've got a busy few weeks coming up in Hertfordshire. Take a read of our favourites, from festivals to markets and live music...

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Midweek days out in Hertfordshire

With summer here, it's time to make the most of those warm days and enjoy those odd weekday days off by heading out into our glorious county during the week! Many of our top attractions are still open and you can benefit from quieter queues, more space and sometimes a cheaper ticket!

Pexels Rene Asmussen 2544835

A summer of celebration in Hertfordshire

Oh how we’ve missed those celebrations. Anniversaries, big birthdays and family reunions may have been put on hold for a while, but we’re now gearing up for a summer of celebration and reconnecting with friends and family.


Filmed in Herts - History and Heritage Films

So many of the most acclaimed period dramas in movie history were filmed right here in our very own Herts! Check out our list of some of our favourites for you to discover, and then get set-jetting to walk the same halls as your favourite movie stars.

Half Term And Halloween 2

Halloween and half term in Herts

A chill has returned to the air, autumnal yellow and orange hues seem to be popping up everywhere, and pumpkins are back in your fields and in your lattes – it must be October half term in Hertfordshire...

Visit Herts
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