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You searched for 'Afternoon tea'. We found 274 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.


Summer evenings in Hertfordshire

Enjoy the warm summer evenings in Hertfordshire, from outdoor cinemas to spooky ghost tours!

Driving Free Breaks Herts Summary

Driving-free breaks in Hertfordshire

Whether you're designated driver, or simply just don’t fancy driving, much of Hertfordshire is accessible by a wealth of public transport - from buses to trains, we’re incredibly well connected and so make for a perfect overnight or few days’ stay. If you’re after countryside views, we’ve got it – if it’s city centre bustle with a countryside twist then you’re in the right place. So if you’re avoiding the car read on for itineraries on what to do …

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October Half Term and Halloween 2023

The October half term 2023 runs from the 23rd to the 27th for most Hertfordshire schools. To make the most of this time, we've selected some family-friendly events and attractions across the county for everyone to enjoy!

Film Festival

Filming in Herts

Take a look through all of the shows and films that have been filmed in the wonderful Hertfordshire.

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Santa is coming to Herts!

Treat the little ones this Christmas, with a visit to Santa Claus in Herts! Santa has many trips planned around Herts this December, see if he's stopping near you!

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Outdoor Detox and Wellness

We all need a little self-care in our lives, no matter how busy we might be! So, let's take a look at some ways to spend a little 'me' time. Whether that's amongst nature or a pamper day at a spa, it's always a good idea to treat yourself, in whichever way you know will bring you a little joy...

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New Hobbies for 2023

Hello 2023! You’ll be pleased to hear that the Herts locals are all looking for a new hobby to take into the new year with them, so we thought we’d give them a hand and suggest some ideas on what their new hobby could be…

Herts Insta Top 9 2022 Summary

Our top nine Instagram posts of 2022

We do love a recap of some of our top Instagram posts - especially when the pictures people either tag us in, use #VisitHerts or we just spot on Instagram, are so incredibly beautiful, peaceful or reminiscent of a warm summers day. So take a scroll through and find the location of you next sunrise walk or town wander!

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February Half Term 2024

Here's some fun for the whole family for half term, so get the diaries out and pencil in some unforgettable days out!

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New things to experience in Herts

Are you up for trying out new experiences this year? If so, you’re in the right place, because Hertfordshire has a boat load of new things to offer...

Visit Herts
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