“We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, and Happy New year…”
New year. New me. New goals. New resolutions. Bla, bla, bla. Let’s face it, we either have the January blues or have this strange sense of determination to make all these new year resolutions, that we know will get forgotten about by February. Now, to anyone who actually sticks to their resolutions, the Visit Herts team applauds you, as for you “I’ll start that on Monday” kind of people, we thought we’d help you out with some new hobbies you may actually WANT to do in 2023…
Cookery at Tewin Bury Farm
Now, there’s two reasons you might take up cooking as a hobby. 1, your significant other has come clean and spilled the beans on your bad cooking skills, or 2, you love learning new recipes and cooking techniques! If you’re doing it because of reason number 1, then we would simply pie them off (quite literally), because there’s no such thing as a bad cook! And if there is, then it’s a good thing Tewin Bury Farm’s Cookery Classes are here to help.

The Filming History of Herts
Aspiring film producers, editors, videographers and all the rest of it, as you probably already know, the county you call home is the UK hotspot for filming, with a script of locations that feature in some of your favourite films, tv shows and music videos. As for you people who didn’t know, get to know! Star Wars, The Crown, the Harry Potter series, to name a few. So, why not make it a hobby? Learning the filming history about your county and exploring its on screen attractions. Sounds like a new year resolution worth doing to us!
Museums in Herts
Whilst we’re on the topic of history, if filming isn’t quite an interest of yours, then there’s always the option to explore other history! Our county is enriched in local and international history, and our museums could be a start to learning a thing or two about it! We’ve got a feature which showcases the wide variety of museums in Herts, from the De Havilland Aircraft Museum, to the Natural History Museum Tring. Take a read…You never know, you might just find that new hobby you were looking for.

Lee Valley White Water Centre
On to something a little more…adventurous. You people out there who are saying, “hmm water activities, not for me” don’t knock it, just hear us out. This is all about making a NEW hobby for 2023. Now, we really don’t want you to put this on your list of things to try for the new year and be a “I’ll do that on Monday” kind of person like we mentioned earlier, so if you just have a look at what’s in store, we’re sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the different activities you can do here, like Paddle Boarding, White Water Rafting and the Water Wipeout course. You never know, it may even become a regular hobby of yours (wink emoji). As for you water sport enthusiasts, we don’t really think you need convincing…
The Snow Centre
We’re still on the sporty hobbies, but this time there’s a little more snow involved and a little less water. So let’s get this straight, you’re taking up a new hobby of skiing, but want to test your skills before you hit the slopes in France? Or, you fancy trying snowboarding, but you’re not quite sure you’ve mastered the technique. Enter, The Snow Centre. Here to test your ability, improve your skills and take you in the direction to becoming a world champion! Okay, maybe not quite a WORLD champion, but you can dream big. So beginners, let's take to the snow and give it a go!

Golf Courses in Herts
Swing into action, grab a club, grab a tee, no, not the kind of “t” as in “tea”, we mean “t” as in “TEE”. Did we just way overcomplicate that! Anyway, we think you know what we mean by “tee”. Then again, if you’re reading this with the hopes of making golf your new hobby, you might not actually know what a “tee” is. But you can learn that along the way. What we’re actually trying to tell you about is all the places you can tee off in Herts, okay enough with the “t” reference we’re confusing ourselves now…
Atria Shopping Centre
You shopaholics will be pleased to see we’re finally on to something a little more…relaxed. Well, compared to water sports and snowboarding, and of course that is if you’re the chilled out, wander around the shops to see what you find kind of person. If you’re the rushed, sweaty, can’t wait to get these heavy bags to the car type of person then this might not be your idea of a hobby. However, for you shoppers who love a little retail therapy or whatever you want to call it, take to the Atria Shopping Centre in Watford for your daily fix.